Quang Thong supplies UPS models, which are world-class, highly efficient power protection systems designed to save costs, providing high levels of availability while simplifying centralization your data center.
Introduction, product description:
The UPS is a modular system consisting of variable power modules, battery modules, static transfer switches and intelligent management modules that facilitate operation, easy and effective. This architecture can scale through capacity and runtime as demand increases or when higher availability is required. UPS models can scale from 25 kW to 500 kW, and four systems can be paralleled to provide power protection up to 2,000 kW (1.5 MW with N+1 system-level redundancy. system). With industry-leading power densities, UPS models have the ability to seamlessly fit into the data center tier.
Advantages of UPS:
• High manageability, automatic predictive diagnosis
• Reduce the risk of human error
• Increased overload capacity
• Extend battery life
• Instant firmware upgrade increases overall data center reliability
Product Application
• Power supply for production line control computers, Scada system central computers, etc. This avoids sudden power loss that damages computers, software failures of the line, of the system…
• Power supply for public information systems such as Wifi system, stair lighting, emergency exits, warning lights, etc.
• Power to feed the elevator system, avoid sudden power loss, causing human problems such as free-falling elevators, ..
• Ensure smooth operation of equipment in financial centers, banks, hospitals, etc.